At Pharos holistic wellness, we provide carefully curated healing chambers, enhanced by advanced harmony generating tools to give you deep therapeutic and transformative experiences on all levels of your being.

Like the ancient wonder of the world from which we derive our name, Pharos seeks to guide individuals to holistically achieve a state of balance both internally and externally.
PhaRos CURATES immersive expeRiences designed to engage the senses.
Our sessions weld together the various hemispheres of your experiential well-being by engaging the senses, giving you renewed energy and a refreshed perspective to transcend limitations.
We employ harmonic frequencies of light and sound in combination with the elements of taste and smell to bring you back to a state of homeostasis on a holistic level. All in our carefully curated healing chambers, that are designed to be conducive for connecting with oneself.
Together we explore different concepts and modalities through workshops, events and sessions with the emphasis on personal and collective wellbeing.
We believe in the importance of self-expression and empowerment to illuminate both our inner and outer worlds.
Community is an integral pillar to Pharos as we seek to collaborate and create with individuals and businesses with the same vision and heart.
PHAROS cReateS suppoRtive & nuRtuRing communitIES.
We seek to equip people with the most progressive tools and practices that are designed to help increase our innate ability to recalibrate and regenerate ourselves to dance to the rhythm of life.
We hope these tools would help to facilitate truly immersive experiences in the present moment, to empower us to refocus previous energy into evoking holistic wellbeing within.

At Pharos, we bring you the latest light therapy technologies that gently and effectively repair the body’s energetic and informational fields. Using light as a carrier wave as a means of transmitting information; in the form of colours, geometry and the frequencies of natural minerals; we are able to nourish and support weaker aspects of the energetic field, facilitating a healthy and more vibrant flow of energy in the system. The results are increased states of harmony on the mental, emotional & psycho-spiritual level.

At Pharos, we use carefully curated audio tracks during our sessions and experiences. Sound is essentially vibration that is used to ‘re-tune’ the body and mind back to a coherent state of wholeness by employing specific harmonic frequencies that resonate with different parts of the body or to induce certain brain states, the tracks are created to ease you into a state of relaxation and to ultimately raise the overall vibrational frequency of your being.

At Pharos, we use only organic and chemical-free essential oils that serve as an additional layer to the experience, guiding you towards a state of homeostasis in the beautiful and sensual realm of scent. Our essential oils are blended in-house during the full moon and are created with very specific and clear intentions to enhance and balance certain aspects of your being. The blends are also programmed with harmonic frequencies that enhance the potency of the oils, allowing them to deliver powerful vibrational information.

At Pharos, we offer Bach® Original Flower Homeopathic Remedies as a part of our immersive experiences. The modality that taps on the therapeutic benefits of flowers is developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s to balance and soothe deep rooted emotions that we harbour in our being. Using the vibrational information of flowers, it is a gentle and soothing way to reconnect with yourself as it creates harmony within, prolonging and integrating the benefits from the sessions.

At Pharos, we integrate natural minerals like Shungite into our sessions and experiences. Shungite Harmonisers; also known as “Rods of Pharaoh; were once widely used by pharaohs in ancient Egypt. The use of Shungite harmonisers is mainly for its cleansing and grounding effects, as it is known to purify the body of negative energies such as harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF), relieving anxiety and stress, balancing and ultimately strengthening our energetic fields.

At Pharos, we integrate Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) tea in our sessions. The flower is a highly revered herb that has been used widely in the traditional medicine of different cultures and ancient civilisations, most notably the ancient Egyptians. With alkaloids that activate the dopamine and serotonin receptors within our body, it is known to promote relaxation, calming blissfulness, and aphrodisiac effects, aiding in stress, anxiety, and insomnia. The calming aroma and taste from the natural herbs help to process and integrate the new state of being that you have embodied from the session.

what you seek
is seeking you

90 mins Immersive Experience

A 90 mins session where you can immerse yourself in our carefully curated healing chambers that are powered by advanced light therapy devices and other tools that generate harmonic frequencies that effectively cleanse and balance your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Our sessions engage all senses by employing frequencies of light and sound in combination with the elements of taste and smell to bring you back to a state of homeostasis on a holistic level.
Our chambers are enhanced by space harmonising modalities like Biogeometry that creates a safe space that amplifies energetic qualities found in sacred sites and power spots around the world, making it conducive for deep healing experiences and for connecting with oneself.
Assemblage Point Realignment

The 60 min Ma'at session is designed to recenter your energetic body by realigning the Assemblage Point, a point at the very centre of the human electromagnetic field where energy enters the being. Normally located on the breast bone, the point is not fixed and moves based on the state of the individual. The exact location and angle of the Assemblage point has a direct effect on a person’s energy and is linked to activity in the body’s organs and glands, affecting an individual's behaviours feelings and health. This transformative session using the Theragem system is designed to realign your Assemblage point back to its original position and angle to create a positive shift on a physical, mental and emotional level.
60 mins Immersive Experience

A 60 mins session where you can immerse yourself in our carefully curated healing chambers that are powered by advanced light therapy devices and other tools that generate harmonic frequencies that effectively cleanse and balance your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Our sessions engage all senses by employing frequencies of light and sound in combination with the elements of taste and smell to bring you back to a state of homeostasis on a holistic level.
Our chambers are enhanced by space harmonising modalities like Biogeometry that creates a safe space that amplifies energetic qualities found in sacred sites and power spots around the world, making it conducive for deep healing experiences and for connecting with oneself.


I used to developed anxiety prior to my medical check-up in recent years - high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, tightness in the neck and shoulders. In the past years, I had to bear with the symptoms until completion of my medical check-up.
This year, the same symptoms appeared again before my annual medical check. Someone recommended me to try out the light therapy to ease my anxiousness. I took the advice and tried out one session of light therapy.
Amazingly, after an hour's treatment, I felt lighter and calmer. The next day, my blood pressure and heartbeat were back to normal; tensions over my neck and shoulders were relieved too. It is such a marvellous therapy that I would strongly recommend to people who experience stress / anxiety / fear.

There was a period of time I found myself feeling melancholic and lacking vigour. I also experienced sleepless nights and anxieties.
Eventually I decided to try the light therapy. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first. Amazingly I experienced a sense of calm and clarity as the session progressed. I felt that new perspectives were opened up and I don’t feel so trapped in my own anxieties and worries as much as before. The heart feels lighter.
I also appreciate that the session isn’t just about rendering the therapy, Ian expressed genuine concern for the client’s well-being through sharing his experiences and knowledge.

I was under a lot of stress during a challenging period when I decided to try out light therapy.
I enjoyed the before and after report on my body and energy condition. The whole experience was amazing. I felt like I travelled through another dimension and mild physical pain arisen during the session as a good release. I felt so much lighter and happier coming out of the therapy. I like the fact that I was given the Bach flowers remedies with my intentions in it. After taking the remedies for 11 days and focusing on my healing, I feel happier and at peace.
I strongly advise trying out light therapy with Ian and Kelly whom made me felt very comfortable in their space. I am grateful for their knowledge and thank you for holding space for me.